Summary of The Book 22 Well-Established laws of Marketing

 Summary of The Book 22 Well-Established laws of Marketing

Summary of The Book 22 Well-Established laws of Marketing

22 well-established laws of marketing – break them at your peril! A book that deals with a well-established set of laws in marketing. Published in 1993, authored by marketing guru Al Rice and with the help of Jack Trout, they created a wonderfully brief book.

Although marketing is developing at an accelerated pace, this book is still considered a reference and one of the most important books in the world of marketing. Here is a quick look at the laws:

22 well-established laws of marketing

1- Law of Leadership

It is not more correct to be the best in the market, but rather to be the first.

The author gave many examples, such as Coca-Cola, IBM, and others, as evidence that leadership in the market goes to the first to start producing the product.

The reason for this is simple, which is that most people associate the product with the name of the first company that produced it, for example when you want to print you talk about the Xerox copy, and when you want to have a soft drink you say Coca-Cola, and when you want a paper napkin you say Kleenex All of them are leading companies in the manufacture of these products.

By the way, he mentioned an example that is worth reading. He said that buyers do not much prefer moving from the products of the first company in the market to the products of a new company, even if they are better. This is like seeing a better wife (or husband) than the first wife or husband. Is it worth it? Is this the trouble of moving every time to the best wife or husband?!

2- The Law of Classification – Law of Category

If you don’t find a chance to be the first, create a new category or section in which you will be the first.

An example of this, when DEC did not find the opportunity to be the first in the computer industry, it created a new market, which is Minicomputers, and became the first and the leader in it.

3- Law of Mind

It is better to be first in people’s minds than first in the market.

4- Law of Perception

Success or failure in marketing depends on the expectations and awareness of buyers in the market for the product. What the buyer expects from your product is what determines its success or failure.

5- Law of Focus

The most powerful marketing method is to keep an influential and focused saying in the minds of people that will never disappear, and of course this will only happen through a complete and integrated program to always deliver this word to the minds of buyers.

6- The Law of Exclusivity

Competitors did not and will not share a common word or saying that is entrenched in the minds of people. Rather, every company and product owner must have his own saying, which he wants to entrench in the minds of buyers and customers.

7- The Law of Ladder

Your product has a certain degree for customers, and they arrange the product according to their perception, and deal with you on this basis. You must accept this logic in their arrangement of priorities and brands and employ your capabilities and marketing strategy on this basis.

8- The Law of Duality

In the long term, the market gets only two horses. Let’s give examples with (Coca-Cola – Pepsi), (Tide – Ariel), (Canon – Nikon), and many others.

9- Law of the Opposite

If you want to become the second in the market, present everything that contradicts the leader in the market, or in other words, focus on weaknesses and imbalances, and treat them to be the strengths of your product.

10- Law of Division

With the passage of time, each classification is divided into smaller classifications, as cars were one classification at the beginning of their production, but with the passage of time there were small cars, high-wheel drive cars, luxury cars, and fuel-saving cars, .. and this certainly gave an opportunity, as we mentioned in the classification law for companies A new leader in its rating.

11- Law of Perspective

It states that marketing efforts take time to show their impact.

12- Law of Line extension

This is a wonderful law that the book mentions, and it says that it is wrong for the company to try to benefit from a successful activity and exploit it in a new activity.

The best example announced by the author is Microsoft when it was trying to benefit from the company’s successful name in its new products such as Office programs. With the passage of time, she discovered the error in using a well-known name for a still new product, and her focus became on marketing new products away from the company’s name.

This law simply wants to say that companies should specialize, and if they want to do everything with one name or one product, they will not be able, and will violate marketing laws, such as the law of mind that we mentioned before.

13- Law of Sacrifice

You must sacrifice one thing in order to gain another. He talks about sacrificing three main things: the number of products, the target market, and the fixed place you have reserved for yourself in the minds of customers.

The law draws attention to an important idea, which is that most of the time you have to reduce your production for the sake of higher profit, and you should not succumb to the temptations of the market so as not to lose your place (and your position) with customers.

14- Law of Attributes

Each characteristic has its opposite in direction and parallel in strength (no, no, not Newton’s law). And he says.. Look at the competing company’s product and what it offers, then find for yourself counter capabilities (or treat its defects in a more accurate sense), and this law is similar to the law of contradiction.

15- The Law of Candor

Whenever you admit something negative, the response will be positive (Toyota now regrets applying this law!). Say something negative about a product (customers know it well), then turn it into something positive.

16- Law of Single Step – Law of Singularity

There is only one correct move that will make the difference in your marketing battle.

See where the defect is in your competitor, then pounce on it, and the most important thing is to focus on one place and one point and put all your effort into them.

17- Law of Unpredictability

If you are not the one who sets the competitors’ plans, you cannot predict the future (this law is difficult, but more than wonderful).

18- Law of Success

Success leads to arrogance, and arrogance leads to failure (this law makes you more careful when succeeding in the market).

19- Law of Failure

You have to expect failure, and accept it.

Simply because if you don’t fail, you won’t learn, and if you fear failure, you won’t take risks.

If you anticipate failure and prepare to face it, you will learn a lot, and you will later be able to succeed.

20- The Law of Exaggeration or Exaggeration

The situation is usually the opposite of what the media and newspapers suggest.

21- Law of Acceleration

The success of companies or their marketing plans is not built on immediate and temporary needs, but on long-term trends and preferences.

Temporary needs when satisfied, the company and its product lose power and influence.

22- Law of Resources

Without resources and money that you can use to implement your marketing ideas, you will not be able to succeed.


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