Writing Successful Marketing Content | Content marketing secrets

 Writing Successful Marketing Content | Content marketing secrets

Writing Successful Marketing Content | Content marketing secrets

Successful content marketing is what brings in more leads and more sales. This five-step article will help you write marketing content that will grab your customers’ attention.

While visiting with a friend of mine in the funeral business, I asked him about his marketing message and he replied, “We sell peace of mind.” I said, “Yes, but explain to me what your message is to your customers. What do you say in your brochures and ads? He looked at my face in bewilderment, as if I were from another planet.

Most small businesses are confused about writing their own marketing content. Some think it’s their motto and others think it’s a throwback to all their awards and how long they’ve been in the business. Others still think of it as their vision and mission statement or company motto

The key to writing successful marketing content

Your marketing content is what attracts the attention of potential customers, telling them how you can solve their problem, why they should trust you, and why they should choose your company among thousands of other companies that offer the same product or service.

Your marketing message should “speak” to the potential customer by appealing to those sensibilities that elicit an emotional response. Below is a list of five steps that will help you create successful content marketing.

Select your target market.

Every successful business, whatever its size, has a target market. So the first step is to answer the question “Who is your target market?”. It becomes easier to craft a message to your target market once you know it.

Identify the problems your target market is facing.

“What problems does your target market face and how do you feel about them?”. Every market has its own frustrations and problems. Your task as a company that provides a product or service is to identify this problem that potential customers suffer from and provide a solution to it.

Remember the old saying: “People don’t care about you until they know you care.” Identifying market problems and struggles tells customers that you understand and empathize with their demands.

Provide a solution to the market problem.

“What solution should I offer my potential client?”. Present your solution as if you were offering a cure for the pain and suffering of the market. This step is important because people don’t complain about something unless they feel the need for an urgent solution.

Outline all the benefits of your solution and how those benefits will improve your potential customer’s life and take their pain away.

Show results.

“What results did my solution produce?” It’s not enough to tell people you have a solution, you have to prove to them that it works. You can talk all day about how to solve this problem and that, but people are naturally suspicious and won’t automatically believe you.

People believe people who look like them and who have had positive results. Here you will need to prove your results by providing testimonials from current and former clients and providing studies of the problems you solved and the results you achieved.

Explain what makes you different from your competitors.

“How am I different from my competitors?” Customers choose you because you are different from other companies. Those differences must have a perceived value to the potential customer, something they care about.

Common marketing mistakes

The biggest mistake companies make when writing their marketing content is focusing on what they do rather than the benefits they will provide to customers.

The customer is always looking for what he will gain through the acquisition of your product or service, so do not let this marketing opportunity go to waste.

Great marketing messages have the following characteristics:

Get straight to the point

Poor marketing messages always hover around the topic rather than get straight to the point.

“In today’s highly competitive business world, every company needs our software to run their manufacturing more efficiently.”

“Our software cuts manufacturing time in half.”

Take the customer’s point of view into account.

Weak marketing messages talk about products from the company’s point of view only, while successful marketing messages deal with the customer as well.

“Our world-class engineering team has designed our product range to be usable and flexible.”

“It takes 10 minutes to learn our product, at the highest level.”

Use familiar language.

Poor marketing messages contain vague technical jargon rather than using simple words.

“Our sales enablement system creates an end-to-end computing framework for profitable customer interactions.”

“Our company helps your sales team close deals more quickly.”

Not official.

Poor marketing messages seem overly formal while great marketing messages sound like humorous and out of the ordinary notes.

“Our strongest form of communication is the behavior that aligns with our vision of leadership.”

“No surprises. Start.”

You speak creatively and authentically.

You can easily associate weak marketing messages with certain products, while great marketing messages are unique.

“Our award-winning suite of products lower costs and increase revenue.”

Example: “You will save a lot of money, as if you won the lottery.”

You need no further explanation.

Weak marketing messages must be decoded before they can have any meaning, but great marketing messages have an immediate and unambiguous meaning.

“We’re the double devil in your multimedia collection.”

We have succeeded in getting more eyes for your ads.

make you smile.

Poor marketing messages are very boring. Great marketing messages often contain a sense of humor.

“Our system achieves the highest quality standards in the industry.”

“It’s really like rocket science, but it’s so easy to use!”

a summary

In this article, we have shared a simple list that will help you write successful and effective marketing content that begins with knowing the desires, concerns, problems and needs of the target market and ends with crafting a message that addresses these issues in a convincing and reasonable way. The result is an engaging and successful marketing message that makes a potential customer want to know more.


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